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Najwyższa jakość

The highest quality

smaczne zapakowane jedzenie

New-Pack plastic packaging and containers factory - Chełmek

The New-Pack Packaging Factory is located in Chełmek, Poland. We design and manufacture plastic packaging. We have many years of experience and know-how in the production of packaging, operating specialized machines and devices. Thanks to continuous improvement and development, we are able to provide customers with the highest quality goods with competitive prices. During production, we take care of every detail, so that the packaging meets the requirements of customer. We focus on the safety of our employees. The production process runs smoothly and in accordance with applicable health and safety regulations.


Products - plastic packaging

We offer manufacturing of plastic packaging products. Among them are products intended for use in the confectionery industry. Our products are safe in contact with food and have required appropriate certificates.

Opakowania z polipropylenu

Polypropylene packaging



We design and manufacture polypropylene (PP) packaging. Our packaging is distinguished by high chemical resistance in low and high temperatures alike. Our products are safe for people and animals.


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Plastikowa wytłoczka

Plastic moldings



Our company's assortment includes plastic moldings. We design and create them. The trays are intended, among others, for storing eggs and other food products.


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Szalka do pieczarek

Mushroom packaging



We offer mushroom trays that are intended for transport and storage. We manufacture mushroom containers of various sizes and weights. They are made of polypropylene - a durable, rigid and aesthetic plastic.


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Czarne opakowanie

Your logo



We offer our clients the option of placing the company's logo on the packaging we produce. The logo may be placed on trays, containers, plates and other packages. You can advise us your logo color, size and shape.


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